Finding a name for the blog was, just like when you get a new animal, difficult. It took a while, a number of adaptions, and a pile of rejects. I remember when Bella arrived, we wanted to change her name and my friend Christine, who was staying, must have made 1001 suggestions. Finally I had a great idea; Stella! That was it, or was it…. no not quite, then Bella was suggested and that stuck. Just a month or so later, I reade about the most popular dog names and there it was again, right at the top. Oh well, it might not be original but Bella suits her as she is very very beautiful….
Bella (retriever poodle cross) |
So, the name of this blog. Initially I was going to call it Cupboard Love. I still like that idea but unfortunately someone else has the name for their blog. Unfortunately again, they haven't written anything on their blog so the name is wasted! So I came up with Plan B. Cupboard love appealed to me mainly for its meaning and history. I was pondering what to call the blog as I went out to feed the outside animals. The horses, Connie and Cole, were already lined up in the corner of their paddock closest to the house and as soon as I appeared, I was greeted with neighing and they really looked pleased to see me. “Cupboard love” I said to Connie. “That’s it” I thought to myself, or maybe I said that out loud as well. My first memory of anyone using that phrase was my mother, who used to say it to the animals around us when I was a child. She would say it laughingly, and teasing the animals. I don’t remember her explaining it, but she always used it when animals would display excessive affection – which always happened at feedtime! As I spend a lot of time feeding animals (two and four legged), I thought that would be a great name. Not to be so we have gone for the simple and plain, Jane on the Farm. Says it all really.
Probably the best name really, as I cannot bring myself to love my cupboards at all. They are a mess. A disorganised mess. Its made even worse by the fact that in the corner of one of them is a big, damp hole that looks like it could extend through to the neighbouring shower. I will take a photo of them to show you how horrid they are. New cupboards are not going to be forthcoming anytime soon. The best thing about my cupboards is there are rather a lot of them. Perhaps that is also the worst thing, given they soon degenerate into such messes, despite best endeavours of many to tidy and organise.
So that's the history of the naming of this blog. Trivial really but given Im just about to head off to Wellington for a couple of days, that's it for now!